大神氏始祖系譜の歴史的背景 : オオタタネコと陶邑の関係をめぐって
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In past studies, I have analyzed the developmentof the Oomiwa-Uji clan. In those studies, I noted the political trends, distribution, duties, and genealogy of the Oomiwa-Uji clan. I also wrote several papers. In this paper, I analyze the historical background of the genealogy of the Oomiwa-Uji clan based on my past analyses.In the first chapter, I analyze issues in previousstudies. Until now, researchers have discussed the relationship between the Oomiwa-Uji clan and Sue-village. They have also discussed the understanding of the production of Sueki in Sue-village. In the second chapter, I analyze the structure for production of Sueki by the Oomiwa-Uji clan. I clarify that the Oomiwa-Uji clan wasengaged in the production of Sueki in duties.In the third and fourth chapters, I analyze the relationship between the Oomiwa-Uji clan and Sue-village. I discuss how the Oomiwa-Uji clan interacted with Miwabe in Sue-village from the late fifth century through the late sixth century.In the fifth chapter, I analyze the positioningof Ootataneko in the genealogy. I detail howOotataneko has been created as a point of attachment of the genealogy. In previous studies, researchers have been caught up in the conflict between the Oomiwa-Uji clan and Sue-village. However, we can analyze the tradition of the Oomiwa-Uji clan from a different angle to the previous study.
- 2013-06-00
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