東日本大震災における不安感と情報行動 ―東洋英和女学院大学の保護者・学生アンケートをもとに―
- 論文の詳細を見る
This article investigates social anxiety and media uses of indirect victims in natural disasters. Surveys were conducted after the Tohoku - Pacific Ocean Earthquake in 2011 and data were collected from undergraduates of ToyoEiwa University and their parents.Age and gender differences were examined in social responses such as anxiety and related behaviors after the earthquake. The results confirmed prior research in the communication field that media preferences in disasters depend on mainly where indirect victims are located at the time; however this research also indicates that age differences were also a strong predictor of digital media uses.
- 2013-03-00
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- 東日本大震災における不安感と情報行動 ―東洋英和女学院大学の保護者・学生アンケートをもとに―
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