Increase in the number of physicians and mortality/life expectancy in Japan
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BackgroundThe distribution of physicians varies over area and time, and increases or decreases in their number are animportant issue for the healthcare system. This study aimed to examine the association of an increase ordecrease in the number of physicians with the mortality and life expectancy in a given population.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional ecological study of a population that comprised the inhabitants of a unit district ofthe healthcare system. The independent variable was the number of physicians per 10,000 population in thatdistrict in 2006 divided by the corresponding number in 1996. The dependent variables were life expectancyand standardized mortality ratios( SMRs) for all causes, neoplasms, heart disease, and cerebrovasculardisease.ResultsLife expectancy in men was significantly correlated with an increase in the total number of physicians( p =0.003). Supplementary analysis showed a relationship between the increase in the number of physicians inclinics and life expectancy( β= 0.859) in men.ConclusionA relationship was observed between particular SMRs/life expectancy and an increase in the number ofphysicians, and it was suggested that the increase of physicians could affect regional healthcare planning.
- 自治医科大学の論文
- 2013-03-00
自治医科大学 | 論文
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