- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study is to clarify a state of the use of "the judgment of TAIKAKU (the build) that wasone of the check items of "student physical checkup official regulations (1897~1920)". This aim is accomplishedby the verbal explanation of a school doctor carrying the physical checkup, and the thought about "TAIKAKU"of Michiyoshi Mishima concerned with the establishment of physical checkup official regulations."The judgment of the build" is an inspection item evaluating the build of children coming to the school tothree phases ("KYOKEN","CHUTOU"or"HAKUJYAKU"). It became the problem whether an important pointshould be put growth and health condition in the case of this evaluation after a physical checkup systemstarted. Recognition that a school doctor judged the health condition of children to three phases in a physicalexamination in "the judgment of "TAIKAKU" was shared among a school doctor and the bureaucrat of theschool hygiene of the Ministry of Education in about 1906.
- 2013-03-31
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