本学における調理学教育 (その2) : 調理学教育の推移と見直し
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to describe the characteristics of the curriculum in cookery education and its educational effect at a college focusing on the chronological changes took place in its educational system. The educational objectivity of home economics education at the college was reconsidered for innovation in 1992 and the name of the course was changed to "the living science". The new curriculum was set up to educate students for their living, health and knowledge of handling information for our modern society. At the same time the traditional cookery education system was forced to be chaged from the major to the minor area of its system. Thus, for example, the credited hour-units for cooking related subjects were reduced from 20 to 7 five years ago. Again it should be the time for us to recondsider the system of cookery education at college because the 18- year-old population has been decreasing very rapidly and the applicants for junior colleges also has been decreasing, though it was once the core of the home economics education at colleges. Knowing these facts, we as educators shall put a lot of effort to renovate our cookery education systems for the better living in the future, the 21 st century for the golden age of the "Materials and Sprits".
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1996-07-10
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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