精神科デイケアでの集団音楽療法について : 広島県立総合精神保健センターでの昭和62年~平成2年の実践を通して
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The writer started the music therapy as one of the day-care programs at the General Mental Health Center in Hiroshima in 1987. 61 group-sessions of the music therapy were held until May in 1990. The writer reported about the preparatory procedure for the music therapy and the analysis of the obtained results of 14 sessions from August in 1987 to May in 1988 in the previous paper. This paper is a continuation of the previous paper and tells the analysis of the effectiveness of the sessions to achieve the goals of the day-care program. It also discusses about the roles of staff for the music program. The goals of the sessions were set to get the catharsis of mental and physical, to gain participant's satisfaction and confidence, to regain their self-control and play a role in a group, to have a contact to each other and to help them return to their normal social lives. Participants of the day-care programs were outpatients who were preparing to retern to their normal social lives. Most of them were schizophrenics and participated in the music program with their free wills. The style of the music program was conducted in a group-session and was consisted of listening, playing and singing with a music instructor and two staffs of the institution. Each session lasted for two hours and was conducted every two weeks. The number of participants in each session was about between 10 and 20. The main points which were discussed in this study were as follows; Because Participants had different medical histories and conditions, the music instructor and two staffs had to pay a careful attention to each participant to achieve each participant's goal in the group-session. When the staff could help some participants enjoy musical activities, they came to show a desirable tendency gradually. It was clear that the roles of the staff were very important to make the music therapy in group-session successful for each participant. In the listening-sessions, we arranged to make a participant touch a musical instrument and play it. Particularly a live performance gave a strong impact to the participants. In the playing-sessions, we used the melody-bells for a certain period. They showed their satisfaction and confidence to play with bells and enjoyed the sound of bells. Though the sound of bell was beautiful, some of them got bored with playing a very simple bell. So some of them played again a defferent instrument like a guitar, a recorder and some percussion instruments. Thus they needed a good support from a staff to play it well. Through the music activities, the participants got a good relationship with the music instructor and showed an interest to other people. They gradually came to show a positive attitude. Some of them showed to control themselves by singing or playing together. And some of them took care of others who didn't play the instruments well. The writer thought that the goals of these sessions were generally achieved. However it was remained as a problem that staffs who trictly followed the center's policy didn't give positive support to particitants.
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1992-07-10
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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