幼児体育の研究 : 正月遊びの今昔についての分析
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In the study the writers focus on the changes in children's games and plays for New Year's Day, Thus the writers study how the children's special games and plays of old for New Year's Day have been passed to the present children, and also what kind of movement can be found in the children's games and plays for New Year's Day in our modern society where a lot of changes in the children's plays have been taken place. The result of this study shows that card games were most popular for this New Year's Day among the young children followed by karuta games (a Japanese card game), but puzzles and playing games were no more so popular, the 5th and 6th in the place. It also shows that 100% of the adults participated in this study had the experience of playing cards, karuta and sugoroku (a Japanese-style pachisi) for New Year's Day. For tondo-yaki (a traditional event played by children for New Year's Day), no significant diffrence was found between the east and west part of Japan, and more than the half of the young children and adults participated for this event in the study. The adults participated in the study think that card games, karuta games and kite-flying will remain popular, but bozu-mekuri (a Japanese card game), hane-tsuki (a Japanese-style battledore and shuttlecock), mari-tsuki (a Japanese-style ball game), and stilting will be getting less popular as children's plays in the future. Concerning the necessity of preserving the traditonal children's game and plays, there was a significant difference in their views between the age-groups of 20s, 30s and 40s among men, but the diffrence was small among the women's groups. Thus the writers conclude that such traditional children's games and plays for New year's Day will lose their places of today in the future. And they also discuss the neccessity of modification for the further study.
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1992-07-10
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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