生体計測 : 肩幅・肩傾斜について 15-18歳女子 (2)
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The most important thing in making garments is to make good paper patterns that are well fitted to the body. It is necessary, therefore, to grasp individual body-types, accurate measurements of the parts of the body and the bodily changes that follow the movement of the body. In 1979, 273 senior high school girls (15-18 years of age) living in Hiroshima City were measured about the 51 items of their bodies. An examination was made into right and left shoulder length, shoulder slope and other four items for their measurement means, maximum and minimum. With respect to shoulder length and shoulder slope, the difference between right and left and the distribution were also studied. A summary of the results obtained is as follows. [Since a comparison between ages did not reveal any significant difference, our report will be made about the four ages collectively, and age will be mentioned only when it is necessary.] 1. Measurement means of shoulder length were 13.85 cm (right) and 13.80 cm (left). No big difference was seen between right and left. The measurement means of shoulder slope were 24.22° (right) and 25.12° (left). Left was larger than right. 2. The maximum and minimum were as follows: shoulder length (right), maximum 16.4 cm of l7 years old and minimum 11.6 cm of 16 years old; shoulder length (left), maximum 15.9 cm of 18 years old and minimum 11.9 cm of 17 years old. Shoulder slope (right), maximum 33° of 18 years old and minimum 14° of 17 years old; shoulder slope (left), maximum 34° of 16 years old and minimum 14° of 18 years old. 3. The distribution was as follows: shoulder length: right, between 11.6-16.5 cm and left, 11.6-16.0 cm; shoulder slope: right, between 14-33° and left, 14-35°. 4. The difference between right and left shoulder length (right - left) was distributed between 1.7~-1.7 cm. Right> left was 52.0%, right = left, 13.6% and right < left, 34.4 %. 5. The difference between right and left shoulder slope (right -left) was distributed between 7~-7°. Right>left was 28.6%, right=left, 17.6% and right <left, 53.8%. 6. The ratios of shoulder length (right) to posterior back width, neck base girth and stature in 16-17 and 18 years old were as follows: posterior back width, about 35, neck-base girth 39 and stature 9, while in 15 years old, they were 34?38 and 9 respectively. With respect to shoulder slope, the ratios were largest in 16 years old with posterior back width 62, neck base girth 69 and stature 16, and smallest in 18 years old with 60?67 and 15 respectively. 7. There was not much difference in shoulder length and shoulder slope between the data of 1979 and those of 1974.
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1986-09-15
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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