外来糖尿病患者の栄養指導に関する予備調査 (Ⅱ) : 指導内容および患者の摂取エネルギーについての検討
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A survey was conducted on the results of the dietary guidance which the author had given to diabetic patients and also on the results of their energy intakes, particularly in comparison with the energy requirement levels. The following are the findings obtained from this survey: (1) In two thirds of the patients, the number of days from the patients' entry of their meals taken to their recipient of dietary guidance was not more than 9 days. (2) The guidance given is classified as follows: ・Definition of diabetic disease was explained to half of the patients. ・The patients' physical status such as body weight and laboratory findings was explained to not less than two thirds of the patients. (3) As for assessment of the patients, the degree of their interest and will to cure are highly evaluated, but the degree of their knowledge and understanding are not highly evaluated. (4) The rate of the actual energy intake to its requirement levels was - 5± 23.7% on average, the majority of patients being short of the requirement levels. Most patients are endeavoring to reduce food intake after diagnosed as diabetic. It is important also to give a proper dietary guidance to those patients. (5) Investigation as to whether the patients' experience in dietary guidance has any relation with the following parameters, bas revealed following results: The experience: ・bas no relation with the degree of knowledge ・bas relation with the level of understanding ・has no relation with the rate of energy intake A statistically significant relation was noted between understanding and the rate of energy intake (P< 0.05).
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1985-07-15
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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