中学生の食事調査 (1) : 弁当及ぴ給食に関する調査
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Many students have their major physical growth while they are in junior high school. Thus it is very important for students to obtain enough of the nutrients necessary for their physical growth during this period. In the case of students who get school meals, the government administrates a system which should supply enough nutrients to the students. But the students who can not get school meals have to depend on packed lunches which are prepared at home. Since packed lunches are prepared at students' homes without any supervision about food nutrition, we can not be sure whether students are taking in enough nutrients necessary for their physical growth. In this study, a survey was conducted on junior high school students' packed lunches. The results of the survey are as follows: 1. 81% of the male students and 67% of the female students answered that they liked their packed lunch. 88% of the male students and 95% of the female students answered that they took a packed lunch to their schools everyday. The students who did not take a packed lunch to school answered that they ate bread at the schools as their lunch. The average number of pieces of bread they ate were three to four pieces for the male students and two to three for the female students. About half of the students who ate bread answered they drank milk with their bread. 2. 32 % of the male students and 38 % of the female students were asked to eat the left-overs from the packed lunch at their homes. The rest of the students answered that they were not asked to finish everything or they asked their parents not to pack foods which they did not like or they threw away the left-overs from their lunch. 3. The following percentages of the recommended daily allowance of nutrients for school meals were obtained from the foods in the packed lunches brought by students to school; Calories 78% (667 kcal), Protein 70% (25.1 g) Fat 72% (17.3 g), Calcium 13% (67 mg) Vitamin A 38% (416 IU), Vitamin Bl 44% (0.31 mg) Vitamin Bl 30% (0.24 mg), Vitamin C 72% (16 mg) 4. The average volume of the packed lunches was 895.5±156.4cc for the male students, 624.1 ±166.5 cc for the female students. The average weight of the packed lunch was 509.9± 92.9g for the male students and 365.0± 72.7g for the female students. 5. The variances of the distribution in weight, calories and vitamin C could not be defined as normal, hence t-test was not applicable in those cases. The differences were statistically significant between the male and female students in the case of protein (at 0.1% of the distribution as its critical value) and fat (at 5% of the distribution as its critical value). In the case of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin Bl and B2, the diferences were not statistically significant between male and female students. As the conclusion of this study, the necessity of providing information concerning a balance of nutrients and good supervision in preparing packed lunches for junior high school students were advised.
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1984-07-15
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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