女子学生の食品嗜好性について : MDIはい応答総数と唾液緩衝能による検討
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The author studied the correlation of food preference with the buffer capacity of saliva and with the total of yes responses (TYR) to the Medical Data Index-Health Questionnaire (MDI) by surveying food preference and health condition of the subjects by the questionnaire forms as well as by determination of the buffer capacity of unstimulated saliva. The period of the study ranged from September 16 to December 2, 1978, and the subjects studied were 70 female students majoring in the science of Foods and Nutrition at the authors' college. The subjects were divided into three groups in terms of TYR and the buffer capacity of saliva, respectively, and their correlation with the preference for food or food groups was investigated by the statistical significance in correlation coefficients as well as by the difference of arithmetic means among the three groups. 1. The mean ±S. D. values of all the subjects studied in respect to TYR, salivary buffer capacity and the degree of food preference were 18.31±8.33, 139.49±34.35 and 3.53±0.68, respectively. 2. As regards the correlation between the degree of food preference and TYR, statistically significant differences among the three groups were observed in fruits, sea food, meat and hen's eggs. It was only ham, however, that has shown a significant correlation between these parameters, with a correlation coefficient of -0.273. 3. As regards the correlation between the degree of food preference and the salivary buffer capacity, significant differences among the three groups were observed in bean cheese, fruits, vegetables, meat, hen's eggs and cow's milk. Of these foods, only hen's eggs and cow's milk have shown a significant correlation between these parameters. The correlation coefficient in these food were 0.266 and 0.321, respectively. 4. There was no correlation observed between biased preference for vegetables and TYR or buffer capacity of the saliva. 5. In the preference for the two different types of food, i.e. animals and vegetables, no statistical significance was observed in the correlation with TYR or salivary buffer capacity. 6. There was no significant correlation noted between TYR and salivary buffer capacity.
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1979-07-15
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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