聴覚刺激と視覚的反応に関する一研究 : 図形刺激により作曲された曲を使って
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine the relation of auditory stimuli and visual responses (shape image). Experiment I Method Subjects: 64 students from Univ. of Music. Auditory stimuli. See Fig. 1. Each tune was composed by shape stimuli. Procedure. The Ss were instructed to listen the tune and draw the visual image with simple line and shape. Results The exact reappearance of original shape was a few, but the similary was pretty reappeard. The music keeps with the steam of time. Therefore, the image keeps with the movement. So, I think, it was difficult that the original contoured shape was reappeared. Experiment II Method Subjects. 112 students from women's junior college. Auditory stimuli. 4 tunes to each design were selected. Procedure. The Ss were instructed to judge, of which design each tune was composed. Results As each tune, 10 in 16 tunes were judged correctly, the rest of tunes 'were not. But as a whole, correct judgments were done largely (See table 1). In conclusion, I think, there was the correlation of auditory image and visual image
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1976-07-20
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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