大豆タンパク粒の熱変性に関する組織学的検討 (第1報)
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The thermal degeneration of the protein bodies in the soybean boiled at 121° to 123℃ under pressure (1.18-1.32 kg/c㎡) was investigated histologically. The degenerated protein bodies in the soybean were observed to be contracted and hardened with boiling time. From the results t hat came into existence, when the degenerated Protein bodies were treated with pancreatin aqueous solution (3%), it might be concluded that the above protein bodies withstand an attack of that solution. This behavior was observed for the soybean boiled for over 40 minutes.
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1972-07-00
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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