シルエット採寸による身体各部寸法(第2報) : 肩幅・肩傾斜角について
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One of the most important things in making garments is to make good Paper Patterns that will meet various Physical constitutions. it is necessary, therefore, to know various physical makes, the sizes of the parts of the body and how they vary when we move. Perhaps the shoulder width and the shoulder slopes are the parts most difficult to measure in body measurement. when we used a body angle gauge in measuring them, the difficulties are such that it requires a great deal of skill. But in the case of silhouette measurement we can easily get the shoulder slopes with a protractor. After our measurement of those 118 students of Hiroshima Bunka Women's Junior College, we took silhouette measurement of shoulder width and shoulder slopes of 337 students of Hiroshima Jogakuin College and compared the results with those of the former. The mean values of the shoulder width are 13. 0 cm for the right shoulder and 12.8 cm for the left. A comparison of the measurement values between the right and the left shoulders shows that 72. 9% are either the same or within ±0.5cm of difference. The mean values of the shoulder slopes are 22. 3 degrees for the right and 23. 6 degrees for the left. 88.14% of them are either the same or within ±5 degrees of difference. A comparison was made between silhouette measurement and body measurement with respect to the measurement values of the shoulder width and the shoulder slopes. No great difference could be seen of the shoulder width, but with the shoulder slopes the silhouette measurement values was 2 or 3 degrees smaller.緒言 第1章 計測対象と方法 Ⅰ計測対象 Ⅱ計測期 Ⅲ計測部位・採寸(計測〉方法・採寸(計測)用具 第2章 採寸(計測)結果および考察 結語
- 広島文化女子短期大学の論文
- 1970-08-01
広島文化女子短期大学 | 論文
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