Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Seaweed and Seawater Samples on the coast in Niigata Prefecture by ICP-MS after Solvent Extraction
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In order to investigate the present state of marine environment in Niigata Prefecture, to investigate the biological concentration in the ocean, and to investigate the behavior of rare earth elements (REEs) in the ocean, REEs in many kinds of seaweed samples as well as seawater samples in Niigata Prefecture were determined by ICP-MS. From the above-mentioned, the following matters have been clarified. (1) The concentrations of REEs are largely varied depending on the species of seaweed even in the same phylum (e.g., green algae, brown algae, or red algae). (2) The concentrations of REEs in the seaweed is about 10^3~10^5 times of that in the sea water; and the enrichment factors of REEs is generally larger in HREE than LREE. (3) Positive Ce-anomaly was found in REE patterns of most seaweed samples, whereas negative Ce-anomaly was found in seawater sample. (4) Yb-anomaly as well as Ce-, and Eu-anomaly was also found in REE pattern of some seaweed and seawater samples taken on the coast in Niigata Prefecture. (5) REE pattern of seaweed samples may be an useful tracer of investigating the surrounding marine environments.
- 日本分析化学会の論文
- 2001-12-00
日本分析化学会 | 論文
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