新潟平野における表層地質中のヒ素濃度分布 : 地下水ヒ素汚染問題におけるヒ素の供給源の検討 その1
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In order to consider source supply of arsenic in arsenic contaminated ground waters, the arsenic distribution in the surface geology of the Niigata Plain was investigated from the view point of alluvium forming processes. The following conclusions were reached : 1) Arsenic concentration in the surface geology is 0.1~2ppm for igneous rocks, 3~5ppm for sandstones and 8~12ppm for mudstones. Arsenic concentration in muddy facies were higher than others. Arsenic concentration increases in the soil horizons of the soil layer composed with the weathered and parent material layer.2) Arsenic concentration of natural levee / back swamp sediments is 2~14ppm which is comparable to the strata in the hinterland. Arsenic concentration of lacustrine organic clay is 25~64ppm, which is extremely high.3) Arsenic concentration in the surface geology that are composed of Tertiary, Pleistocene, and Holocene is related to the ignition loss and clay particles content respectively. The increase in arsenic and iron concentration in river waters is associated with the ascent of turbidity. The comparative arsenic concentration in alluvium sediments and the strata in the hinterland could be considered that the supply of arsenic into the alluvium plain occurs as an ordinary geologic phenomena during the alluvium forming process. The organic muddy layer which contains high arsenic will be an important target in solving arsenic concentration and the exploration to safe underground waters.地下水ヒ素汚染におけるヒ素の供給源を考察するため,沖積層の形成過程の視点から,新潟平野の表層地質中のヒ素濃度分布を検討した.結論は以下のようにまとめられる.1)表層地質のヒ素濃度は,火成岩では0.1~2pprm,砂質岩では3~5ppm,泥岩では8~12ppmと,泥質相(細粒相)で最も高い.土壌層位におけるヒ素濃度は,下位の弱風化~風化層より上位の土壌層で増加し,泥岩の土壌層では10~18ppmを示した.2)自然堤防・後背湿地堆積物のヒ素濃度は,後背地の各地層のヒ素濃度と調和的で2~14ppmを示した.湖沼(潟)成の有機質粘土層から25~64ppmと,調査地域の中では極端に高いヒ素濃度が検出された.3)地層中のヒ素濃度は,新第三系,更新統,完新統とも,強熱減量と泥質分含有量に正の相関が認められた。また,河川水中のヒ素・鉄濃度と濁度には正の相関が認められ,河川水中の濁度の増加に伴い,ヒ素・鉄濃度も顕著に増加している.沖積層のヒ素含有量がその後背地の地層および土壌と調和的であることは,平野へのヒ素供給は沖積層の形成に普遍的に付随する一般的な現象の可能性がある.高濃度のヒ素を含有する湖沼成の有機質泥層は,ヒ素濃集のメカニズムを解明するうえでも,また,今後の安全な水みちを探査するうえでも重要な検討課題となろう.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 2000-11-00
地学団体研究会 | 論文
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