コウライエビPenaeus orientalis KISHINOUYEの研究-1-
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"Koraiebi", Penaeus orientalis, which is mostly fished in the Yellow Sea, is thought to be the most suitable for culture owing to its rapid growth. Some of the prawns were bred in our laboratory and an attempt to make them spawn was made, but no ovulation was observed. Therefore, in order to study their seminal mechanism, the authors investigated its structure and examined the function of every organ. The following results were obtained from these studies. The thelycum consists of the seminal receptacle and the thelycum ossicle. In the seminal receptocle, two spermatophores adhere closly vis-á-vis to each other and also to the bottom and the side walls with a gelatin-like substance. There intervenes a stopper-like substance between these fast-stuck spermatophores. In the vesicular seminalis of the male, a folded thick and elastic substance is stuck to the epidermis of spermatophore and a chitin-like pterigoid tissue is secreted from a part of the epidermis which covers the spermatophore. The spermatophores and the chitin-like substance are made in the testis. The shape of chitin-like substance is semicircular and unlike that of the above-mentioned organs. Epidermis of spermatophores are attached to the chitin-like substance, and spermia are grouped one another in jelly-like substance. The gonad has cystic tissue inside and ovarian eggs grow in it. They communicate with each other in some place. Then this leads to the ovarian cavity, which is filled with mostly undeveloped eggs, probably in the nucleolus stage, to keep its shape.1. 雌性生殖補助器は受精器と生殖補助器小骨からなり受精器内には二個の精夾が向いあって膠状物質で固着されている.また,この固着された中間には精巣に由来する生殖栓がひきずり込まれてはさまっている. 2. 雄の貯精囊は弾力のあるおりたゝまれた組織部分と精夾を保持している囊の部分からなりその間に翼状の組織がに精夾膜から分岐した膜につながって存在している.また貯精囊では膠状物質が分泌されており雌性生殖補助器内で精夾を固着させるのに役立っている. 3. 精巣内で精夾は作られるが未完成の二つの囊が半月形をしたキチン質様物質の凹部にその外皮より分岐した膜で附着しておりおたがいもつながりあっている.また精子はゼリー状物質でかためられているが花弁状に集合した形状を示している. 4. 卵巣内部には魚類のような複雑な襞曲ようのものはないが非常に簡単な袋状の囊がならんでおりこれ等の囊は任意の場所でおたがいに連絡し合っている.また卵巣卵はこの囊壁で発達していることがわかるが,このような発達卵を全く含まない囊もあり縦に切断するとこれが長くつながっているところから,恐らく卵巣腔であり熟卵の移動路ではないかと考えられる. 5. 卵巣腔の近くで卵巣の中央部にはかなり大きな血管が通っており卵巣の栄養をつかさどっているのではないかと考えられる.
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