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In order to ascertain the origin of free isovaleric and other volatile fatty acids which were detected previously in the stomach fluids of porpoises, the free volatile fatty acids in the culture solutions of the microorganisms isolated from the stomachs of marine little toothed whales were studied by GLC. The microorganisms used in experiment were 2 strains of bacteria, Corynebacterium sp. (Cl strain: gram positive) and Vibrio sp. (Vl strain: gram negative), and a strain Candida tropicalis-like yeast (Yl strain). Incubations were made by glucose-peptone media (glucose 1.0%, peptone 2.0%, yeast extract 0.1%, sodium chloride 0.5% (Vl strain 2.5%), pH 7.0) for various hours at 37℃. The results obstained are as follows: 1) Although the free volatile fatty acid composition in the culture solutions differ by microorganism and incubation time, all of acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric and isovaleric acids were produced in all the culture solutions. 2) Among these acids, acetic and isovaleric acids in both Vibrio sp. and C. tropicalis-like yeast, and acetic, isobutyric and isovaleric acids in Corynebacterium sp. were dominant through various culture hours. 3) It was suggested that in Corynebacterium sp. of gram positive bacteria in addition to acetic acid, isobutyric and other volatile branched-chain fatty acids were largely utilized, but in Vibrio sp. of gram negative bacteria, volatile branched-chain fatty acids were hardly utilized while mostly utilized was acetic acid.イルカ類の胃内から分離した細菌(Corynebacterium sp.およびvibrio sp.)および酵母(Candida tropicalis様酵母)を用い,グルコース・ペプトン培地により生成される遊離低級脂肪酸組成を経時的にしらべ次の結果を得た。1) 培養液中に生成された遊離低級脂肪酸組成は各微生物間および培養時間などでそれぞれ異なっていたが,いずれの場合にも酸酢,プロピオン酸,イソ酪酸,正酪酸およびイソ吉草酸が生成された。2) これらの脂肪酸のうち,vibrio sp.および酵母の培養液中では酢酸とイソ吉草酸が,またCorynebacterium sp.の培養液中では酢酸,イソ酪酸およびイソ吉草酸が大部分を占めていた。3) グラム陽性細菌のCorynebacterium sp.では酢酸の他イソ酪酸などの低級側鎖脂肪酸も多く利用されるが,グラム陰性細菌のVibrio sp.では低級側鎖脂肪酸は余り利用されず,その大部分が酢酸であると考えられた。
- 長崎大学水産学部の論文
- 1973-08-00
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