Linear relationship between carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios along simple food chains in marine environments
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To examine the relationship between carbon and nitrogen stable isotope (SI) ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of zooplankton, we analyzed samples collected bimonthly from March to October 2009, from the euphotic layers of the Oyashio current along the A-line in the western North Pacific. Isotopic ratios of higher trophic levels such as predatory zooplankton and/or long-lived zooplankton varied little with season, while those of short-lived zooplankton were variable on the δ15N–δ13C map. We also analyzed preserved samples taken from the warm-core ring 86-B derived from the Kuroshio extension region. Although the zooplankton groups in the two regions exhibited different values in δ15N, the δ15N versus δ13C slopes for each ecosystem do not show significant differences. Statistical analysis conducted together with previously published data from the Antarctic Ocean and the Gulf of Alaska suggested a similar δ15N versus δ13C slope throughout the four regions. We attributed this common slope to physiological aspects of feeding processes (e.g. the kinetic isotope effects inherent in the processes of amino acid synthesis). The common pattern for all four oceanic regions suggests that SIs may be used to elucidate general patterns in ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles.
- Oxford University Pressの論文
- 2011-11-00
Oxford University Press | 論文
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