Adult onset of C1q nephropathy manifesting only as microhematuria
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We report a case of C1q nephropathy that manifested only as microhematuria in a 27-year-old man. The patient had presented with microhematuria for five years. A light microscopicstudy of a renal biopsy specimen showed predominant mesangial C1q deposition. Staining for C3 was positive in the same mesangial area. Stainings for IgA, IgG and IgM were slightly positive, however, these stainings were not on mesangial lesion, suggesting as non-specific pattern. Electron microscopy indicated high electron-dense deposits in the mesangial area. Histopathological studies were compatible with C1q nephrology. In addition,laboratory data showed no serological evidence of collagen disease. Usually proteinuria, occasionally nephrotic syndrome were reported in C1q nephropathy and C1q nephropathy often cause severe damage in the glomerulocapillary area from an early stage. From April 1994 to the end of 2010, we experienced 6 patients with possibility of C1q nephropathy among the all 3614 patients in whom renal biopsy was studied, and the prevalence of C1q nephropathy was 0.17%. All of 6 patients showed continuous microhematuriaand proteinuria, and 2 of 6 cases had nephrotic syndrome. Current patient showed only hematuria without proteinuria. Hematuria alone is not a major manifestation of C1q nephropathy. Thus, the clinical findings in our patient may represent a rare phenotype of C1q nephropathy. We report the details of the case with a comparison with previous C1q cases.
- 自治医科大学の論文
- 2012-03-00
自治医科大学 | 論文
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