- 論文の詳細を見る
The communication in the classroom is a major intermediary between teaching and learning, and the communication is given significance as a fundamentally structural factor of a corresponding intermediate activity in the classroom. Furthermore, the communication plays a significant role in the relationship between the educator and the educatee. The educator and the educatee communicate by means of resources about a certain theme or a certain resource, and produce a certain relation through the communication. This essay demonstrates that the communication in the classroom is multi-linguistic as being made of a compound of verbal communication and nonverbal communication, and is multi-voiced as being mingled voices of the educator with voices of students multi-dimensionally and multi-levelly. In addition, this essay proves that the nonverbal communication in the classroom has a various functions and plays a significant role in the formation of inter-human relations.
- 大阪教育大学教科教育学研究会の論文
- 2004-00-00
大阪教育大学教科教育学研究会 | 論文
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