院内感染と病院・医師の注意義務について--最近の裁判例の分析から (特集:最近の医療における感染症対策と研究の進歩) -- (院内感染)
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Through analyzing judicial precedents on nosocomial infection for the past ten years, I willsummarize the important methods preventing troubles and damages caused by nosocomialinfection in medical institutions as follows :(i)To prevent nosocomial infection, the whole hospital should systematically take preventivemeasures against nosocomial infection. It is essential to carry out systematical preventivemeasures ever suggested, such as to set up the committee for preventing nosocomial infection,which works as organizing committee in the Medical Security Committee or teams up with it, tolay down the manual for preventing nosocomial infection and make use of it, to do periodicalsurveillance, to examine patients before entering the hospital, to isolate infectious patients, to makea habit of washing hands, disinfecting or sterilizing equipments, to utilize disposable products, todispose of medical waste properly, and to clean rooms and air.(ii)But these measures are not enough. What is more important, all medical stuff engaged inmedical treatment should recognize the importance of preventing nosocomial infection, and bestrongly conscious of preventing nosocomial infection with self-responsibility, not leaving to theperson in charge.Particularly, physicians in charge engaged in treating patients directly are required to identifymicrobe or virus which causes inflammation and take preventive measures against such microbeor virus immediately, and not to neglect to communicate with clinical examiners in the hospital.And furthermore, they must start to treat patients as soon as possible, selecting the properantibiotic and giving it to them, and do their best in order to save their lives.
- 徳島医学会の論文
- 2004-12-20
徳島医学会 | 論文
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