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Mechanical ventilation is essential to take care of critically ill patients, and it has been saving alot of lives. On the other hand, it is apparent that mechanical ventilation promotes lung injury.NIH trial proved that low tidal volume ventilation to avoid ventilator-induced lung injury(VILI)improved the mortality of acute lung injury(ALI)and acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS).When we take care of mechanically ventilated patients, we should be careful to minimize VILI.To achieve it, it is prudent to understand the mechanisms of VILI.In humans, the extent to which mechanical ventilation exacerbates antecedent lung injury inALI/ARDS is hard to evaluate, and the lung injury related to mechanical ventilation is calledventilator-associated lung injury(VALI). The clinical value of ventilatory strategy to avoid alveolaroverdistension was demonstrated in NIH trial. Low tidal volume ventilation reduced mortality ofALI/ARDS by 20 percent. The strength of this finding has changed practice, and low tidalvolume ventilation has become the standard of care in ALI/ARDS. No doubt the benefit is relatedto a decrease in VALI.Many animal studies supported a variety of methods to minimize VILI. In ARDS widespreadatelectasis is common, and shear forces are created to distend the adjacent lung units that remainopen. A rabbit model demonstrated that cyclical atelectasis promoted VILI, and that PEEPprevented the development of VILI. The ideal level of PEEP in ARDS is not known. Bodyposition also influenced the development of VILI in animal studies. Prone position was protectiveagainst VILI. High inspiratory flow also injured the lungs. Unfortunately these modalities havenot been proved to be effective in humans.The mortality of ALI/ARDS decreased significantly in the last decade, it is still high. Whenwe take care of mechanically ventilated patients, lung protective strategies are essential. Weshould search for safer ventilatory strategies to improve the mortality of ALI/ARDS.
- 徳島医学会の論文
- 2004-12-20
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