The Dynamics of Relativistic and Cylindrical Electron-Proton Plasma Flow in Space Plasmas
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We show the resunts of three dimensional PIC (Particle-In-Cell) simulation of relativistic electron-plasma flow that the cofiguration of plasma flow has a sylindrical form. We investigate two different cases of the initial magnetic field condition. In the simulation (A), there are no magnetic field and electric field in the initial stage, and in the simulation (B), there are uniform magnetic field that is parallel to the plasma flow are generated by the Weibel-type electromagnetic counter-streaming instability [1] and then a shell current structure driven by the charge separation sppears. In the simulation (B), the electric fields parallel to the flow are generated by the electrostatic beam instability because initial strong magnetic field prevent electromagnetic instability.
- 富山大学総合情報基盤センターの論文
- 2004-03-00
富山大学総合情報基盤センター | 論文
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