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Hohara, Sin-ya[Abstract] A large amount of radioactive materials were released to general environment due to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Accident, and air dose rates in many parts of Kanto & Tohoku Area have increased because of the fallout the radioactive materials. The radioactive materials are collected by weathers and human activities, therefore many "hotspots" are formed in life environments. In this situation, there is much demand for devices to determine the area distribution of air dose rates. Several facilities have developed that kind of devices after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Accident. Kinki University Atomic Energy Research Institute developed a portable systemw which can record dose rate with GPS information in 2008, and I upgraded the system to check area distribution of dose rates on the field. Detailed structure of the upgraded system and some technical points are described in this paper.
論文 | ランダム
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