カルミデス篇におけるソクラテスの産婆術と教育 : ソフロスネー, 克己節制(健全なる思慮)への教育
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投稿論文Carmides is an early piece of Plato. It offers a positive dialogue of Socratic method, and it substantiates the efectiveness of Socratic midwifery(maieutic) strategy for education. The first rule of educational midwifery is not to hand the right answer to one's interlocutors, but to enable them themselves to give birth to the right answer from their own inner resources.In this article, I will show that Socratic conversation in Carmides makes clear the structural framework of his method. In the first part of this article, I will concentrate on the characteristic of Carmides in the Plato's works. Carmides is written in a spitit of open-minded inquiry which is typcally Socratic in the early dialogue, without at any point presupposing Plato's characteristic middle-period doctrines. In the second part, I will analyze the theme of Carmides about knowledge of knowledges. Socrates' way of labelling the word 'knowledge' is to link it to 'possessing' something as opposed to 'having' it in comparison with Critias' way. In the third part, I will conclude that the knowledge of knowledges is the foundation of midwifery method.
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