山岳信仰の展開と変容 : 鳥海山の歴史民俗学的考察
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特集 : 社会学 社会心理学 文化人類学投稿論文Mountain Worship is the important element to understand the basic folk culture in Japan. This paper analyzes the mountain worship of Mt. Chōkai (2,236 m) in Tōhoku area under the historical and folkloric perspective and shows the development and the transformation of folk culture. We explore the process of the continuity and discontinuity of folk culture by checking historical documents and oral tradition in detail. This paper writes down the critical comments on these. Some features of mountain worship are the following; supporting on the water supply, praying for fertility of agriculture, calming on the explosion of volcano, consoling the dead spirits, guarding of good life and so on.After the middle age, Shugendō, the religious group of mountain practitioner has been affected the great influence on the folk culture and established the unique ritual system of mountain climbing called "Mineiri" (entering into the peak). Furthermore, we explore the some features of this kind of asterism and make the interpretation of concepts and ideas related to Shugendō and the basic culture. Then we show several climbing routes to Mt. Chōkai and discuss on the religious character of them and Shugendō village on the foot of the mountain.In conclusion, I have made a special reference on the process of how the folk culture of mountain worship has continued and survived under the radical political change. In the end, the new trend to preserve the nature as a cultural property has discussed to clarify the modernization of mountain worship.
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