ナマコ食文化の変容に関する考察 : 中国・遼東半島の事例を中心に
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特集 : 社会学 社会心理学 文化人類学投稿論文There have been great transformations in Chinese food culture under the economic development in recent years. As people become conscious about the health condition due to the improvement of living standards and the spreading the natural and nutrient foods. Among these foods, people have paid to a special attention to the food culture of eating sea cucumbers. As a luxury good, the demand for sea cucumbers have become increasing annually and their price has to reach high standard in the last decade. The changes in the food-market have affect to a direct impact on food culture.This paper analyzes previous studies on the food culture of eating sea cucumbers and shows the historical context of the food culture as well as its current context from an anthropological perspective. Furthermore, by looking into the specific cases, it reveals how the culture of eating sea cucumbers spread across the Liaodong peninsula. This paper pays special attention to the process of how the culture of eating sea cucumbers changes and explores the factors that prompted this kind of social change. It also summarizes the characteristics of the present food culture of eating sea cucumbers through an analysis of the decrease in reconstitution of exhausting the time to make into the original state and technological improvements in the processing of sea cucumbers.
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- 特集 自然公園法50周年・自然公園利用と事故