患者会研究の新視角 : 「自己物語」による比較の観点から
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特集 : 社会学 社会心理学 文化人類学投稿論文The aim of this paper is to propose the new perspective for patient group study that tries to comparing with a new religion and Alcoholics Anonymous. The former anthropological or sociological studies of patient group focused on only patient group itself. Although these studies clarified the features of patient group, these studies had not compared with another dimension. The incompetent and recovery of speakers-self is referred frequently and commonly. On the other hand, it is different of positioning of self and others. In the new religion and AA, they have great existence that give suggestion and embody the value. In patient group, they can feel "illness as the resource", because the great existences are not clear. These three groups have commons start point, but people with patient group try to rebuilding with suffering experience and "illness as the resource".
論文 | ランダム
- 特集 病院感染対策のドグマ(定説)とエビデンス
- 血液型 B型をいじめるな--根拠もないのに定説化、笑い事では済まない事態も起きている
- 書評 福井重雅著『漢代儒教の史的研究--儒教の官學化をめぐる定説の再檢討』
- 音便 : フレレスヴィッグの観点
- 中国の水神について―二郎神の成立―