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The faunal composition of benthic mollusks, crustaceans and a brachiopod was investigated in the East and West inlets (32°29'N, 131°41'E) of Kadogawa Bay, on the East central coast of the Kyusyu island, Miyazaki Japan. There are sea-grass bed areas consisting of Zostera marina, Z. japonica and Halophila nipponica in the East and West Iorigawa inlets. The sea-grass bed of the East inlet is wider than that of the West. The former is fringed by a natural rocky shore in its eastern margin, however the latter is guarded by the concrete embankment and situated between a small fishery port and a public park of buried sea bottom. The benthic communities were investigated 26 times from November 2006 to July 2011 and their components were compared and discussed.In total, 206 benthic animal species including 87 gastropods, 30 bivalves and 50 decapod crustaceans were recorded. Among these benthic species, 97 were known only from East inlet and 70 species were known from both inlets. We could recognize the benthic community richness in the Fast inlet and it thought to be resulted by the wider area and rich environments, such as, the rocky shore without artificial concrete constructions.宮崎県門川湾の庵川東西入り江(32°29'N, 131°41'E)は,干潟域14haおよび藻場域がおよそ7haであり,アマモ,コアマモおよびノトウミヒルモの群落が見られる. 両入り江から57科120種の貝類と46科86種の甲殻類および腕足類1種が確認された. 庵川東入り江から98種の貝類と69種の甲殻類が,庵川西入り江から55種の貝類と54種の甲殻類が記録され,貝類33種と甲殻類37種は両入り江に共通であった. さらに腕足類のカサシャミセン類の1種は庵川東入り江の転石下に生息し,宮崎県では他の海岸でも見つかり,今後も生息地の確認は増える可能性がある. 庵川東入り江は東側を縁取る岩礁域がほぼ自然のまま残されており,庵川西入り江に比べて,干潟面積が2.8倍,海草群落の面積が1.6倍広いため,出現種が多くなったものと思われる.
- 2012-02-24
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