<研究ノート>日本の子ども虐待問題をめぐる政府の対応と市民社会の可能性 : 大阪フィールド調査とその考察
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In Japan, child abuse problem is considered as one of the most serious childrenrelated social problems.In this study, I aim to highlight government’s measures against the problem andconsider the possibility for Japanese civil society to contribute to its resolution.The research field is fixed at Osaka. Both states run organizations and civil societyorganizations specialized in care and prevention of child abuse are visited andinvestigated. Interview to ex-civil officer also is realized.Both in states run organizations and those of civil society, there is serious shortagein manpower, due to lack of running budget. The civil society activists are intenselyengaged to run after the children needs and very few of them try to advocategovernment policy for child abuse.Japanese civil society should take more political power in order to improvegovernment policy on the problem of child abuse.
- 2012-03-27
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