若年層は経済回復期に安定雇用に移行できたのか : 前職およびジョブカフェ利用の影響
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本稿は,企業の採用意欲が低水準から回復に向かった2002年-2007年について,総務省『労働力調査』の月次の個票データを用い,若者の安定雇用への移行がすすんだかどうかを計測するものである。34歳までの男女をみると,多変量解析の結果,学歴が高いほど,年齢が若いほど,またパート・アルバイトに就いているよりは,派遣社員(特に高卒・短大卒女性)や契約社員等を含むその他雇用(男性)に就いている方が,正規職に移行しやすい。また景気の影響であるが卒業時の有効求人倍率が低いことは,特に大卒層の安定雇用参入に大きい負の効果を長期に及ぼす。いったん非正規や無業者になった場合,その後有効求人倍率が上がることは,正規職への移行を助けるもののその効果はかなり限定されている。また労働需給や個人属性をコントロールすると,非正規雇用や無業経験確率は年々上昇する傾向があることが見いだされた。政策の効果として,若年人口にしめる県別のジョブカフェ利用者割合を推計に入れると,地域が企業・個人・学校と連携する取り組みをすることは,若年男性の正規就業化に対して弱いが正の効果を持つことが見出された。The purpose of this paper is to examine different factors that promote transition to permanent employment by gender and by educational groups while taking account of regional labor demand, using the micro data of monthly Labor Force Survey 2002 to 2007 when economy was on the path of recovery. Though Japanese firms are known for long term employment practices, following the financial crisis of 1997 to 1998, firms increased termed and temporary employment in place of long term employees, resulting in a significant decline in youth with employment contract without termination, or Seishain.Our main findings show that a low job demand at one's school graduation, represented by monthly prefectural job openings to job seekers ratio, significantly decreases the probability of getting a Seishain job. This effect was found to be strong and lasting.For those in a pool of precarious employment, economic upturn, again represented by monthly prefectural job openings to job seekers ratio, does have positive effect on the youth's transition to permanent employment, but only to a smaller degree. Age has a large negative effect on transition to stable employment, while education has a positive effect.Among precarious employment, more women in temporary dispatch are found to make transition to permanent employment as compared to part-time and arubaito , while for men, those in termed full-time employment did the best. The Government is taking measures for improved job placement of the youth. Among arrays of measures, “job caffe ” is one of the core measures, creating prefectural one-stop job seeking center for youth implemented from 2004 to 2006, with 20 “model prefectures” among 47 prefectures initiating variety of activities. By making figures as to the percentage of average visit to “job caffe ” of youth in age group of 15 to 34 by prefectures, and adding this variable in the transition equation, we found that active prefectural “job caffe ” activities have small positive sign in transition to permanent employment for most educational group of males.
- 2011-10-31
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