農民専業合作社の実態と課題 -湖南省常徳市を事例として-
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WTO加盟によってもたらされた様々な問題に対処するために, 中国農民専業合作社が新しい組織として期待されている。この組織の事業内容や役割などを明瞭にするために, 湖南省の常徳市を事例として実地調査を行った。合作社の制度設定により, この組織は成長の制約を受け, 資金調達等の問題に直面している。最後に, 日本の農協システムを参考にすべきであるとの提案を行った。In response to the challenge after China has stepped into WTO, Chinese farmer specialized cooperative were expected bygovernment and famers. In this paper, it has introduced development process, morphological classification, economic function, financial support, the scale of development. The author selected 3 different types of farmer specialized cooperatives in the city of Changde in Hunan province. Through the investigation, it has been cleared that they were facing to some problemssuch as difficulties to cumulate, financial problem and so on. To resolving these problems, the author proposed 3 solutions that were referring to Japan system.Revised version: There are great hopes that the newly-established specialised agricultural cooperatives will be able to deal with problems caused by China’s entry into the WTO. In order to look at these organisations and their roles, we conducted a field study in Chandge, Hunan Province. Due to the structure of the cooperative system, the growth of these organisations is subjected to various restraints, causing problems in funding for example. Finally it is suggested that the Japanese agricultural cooperative system be referred to in order to resolve these problems.
- 2012-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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