Heavy metal contamination in Indonesian coastal marine ecosystems: A historical perspective
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Proceedings of the Horiba International Conference "New Direction of Ocean Research in the Western Pacific" : Past, Present and Future of UNESCO/IOC/WESTPAC Activity for 50 years and the JSPS Project "Coastal Marine Science"Section II: Historical Review of Coastal Research in Southeast AsiaToxic heavy metals are one of the widespread environmental contaminants in Indonesian coastal waters. Research and monitoring on heavy metal contaminations have been conducted since 1980. The development of pollution studies may be divided into three phases: firstly, monitoring of heavy metal contamination focused on seawater (1979-1990); secondly, research and monitoring focused on biota and sediment (1990-2000); and the third phase, the research focused on bioassay and geochemistry of heavy metals (2000-present). Most metals have been intensively studied in components of coastal ecosystem. An elevated heavy metal contamination has been mostly recorded in the northern coast of Java Island and the eastern coast of Sumatra Island, while coastal waters of Borneo and the Sulawesi Islands are, in general, relatively pristine. The concentration of heavy metals in water and biota is commonly very low. In contrast, heavy metals in sediments are relatively elevated in concentrations especially in areas where land-based activities exist such as industrial activities. Recent research has been directed on metal speciation in sediments and development of bioassay using local species of organisms to reduce uncertainty when local managers have to make a decision on environmental issues related to ecological risk assessment.
- 2012-03-20
論文 | ランダム
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