チュクチ・カムチャツカ語族における属性叙述 : N形の意味・機能の異同に着目して
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Based on previously attained data, the present paper examines the cognate and functional equivalents of the Koryak property predicative circumfix n-..-qin/-qen (N form) in cognate languages of the Chukchi-Kamchatkan family such as Itelmen, Alutor, and Chukchi. The results reveal, (1) Itelmen shows features different from other cognate languages in that adjective forms and property predicative forms break into separate morphological types, that is, the suffix -la・ proper to adjectives and k’-..-・ in/-・ an proper to property predication. (2) Koryak and Chukchi are similar to each other in that N forms in both languages are derived not only from adjective stems but also from the stems belonging to other word classes, that is, verbs, nouns and adverbs. They also contrast in that in Chukchi an N form derived from a verbal stem is not only used for property predication but also extends its meaning to event predication, that is, imperfective for past and present events. This difference is closely related to that of the verbal inflectional systems in both languages. Koryak imperfective ku-/ko-..-・ (KU form) refers to both past and present events, while Chukchi imperfective -rk・ n (RK form) refers only to present events. Therefore, it seems that the N form is employed in order to fill the void in the inflectional paradigm. (3) Alutor shares semantic similarity with Koryak and morphological similarity with Chukchi. That is, Alutor has an imperfective form -tk・ n (TK form) which is etymologically cognate with the Chukchi RK form. However it can refer to both the past and present. This is most likely the reason why the N form does not extend its meaning to event predication and is almost exclusively used for property predication.
- 2012-03-26
論文 | ランダム
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