コリマ・ユカギール語の所有を表す接尾辞 : -n’e/-n’
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This paper discusses the characteristics of the proprietive suffix -n’e/-n’ in Kolyma Yukaghir. The suffix -n’e/-n’ derives denominal verbs that roughly mean “have N.” The derived verb has three syntactic functions: predicative function (in independent form), adnominal function (in participle form), and adverbial function (in converb form). A derived verb sometimes has an existential meaning, “N exists.” The main points of this paper are as following: (1) The meaning of N (possessee noun) concerns the syntax and the semantics of -n’e/-n’: (a) With an inalienable possesee noun, especially an “everyone”-type possesee noun (Tsunoda 1995), N-n’e/-n’ is usually used with a modifier, otherwise the derived verb indicates “have special (many, big, etc.) N.” (b) With an alienable possessee noun, N-n’e/-n’ implies not only typical possession but also possession at that very moment, for example, “wear N,” “be with N,” and “carry N.” (2) As compared to the existential verb l’e- with locative noun, which sometimes implies the possession meaning, the usage of -n’e/-n’ is pragmatically limited: (a) The suffix -n’e/-n’ is usually used when the possessor is treated as the topic, otherwise the existential l’e- verb is preferred. (b) The suffix -n’e/-n’ is not used when the information about the possessee is requested; in such a case, the existential l’e- verb is preferred.
- 2012-03-26
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