スリランカ北西部州の障害児通園施設における療育と教育 : 指導内容に着目して
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The aim of this study is to identify the current status of care and education in special pre-schools, for both pre-school and school-age children with disabilities (CWD) , in North Western Province of Sri Lanka. Particular focus is given to the content of the intervention and teaching. The field survey of two special pre-schools was conducted in 2007, and additionally in 2011. From the results, it was suggested that: (1) The intervention and teaching in special pre-schools was characterized by its child-centered method, which is rarely seen in general pre-school and school education; this was apparently influenced by JICA volunteers. (2) The teaching staff are skilled in pre-school education for CWD, partly due to assistance from JICA volunteers, and have developed by themselves professional skills to serve school-age CWD, to meet community needs. (3) Though many care-givers expressed a positive view related to home teaching to repeat what their child learned, and to help the staff teach in the special pre-schools, some care-givers have complex opinions on this, thus this issue requires continued careful attention.
- 2011-12-12
論文 | ランダム
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