留学生教育としての持続可能性日本語教育の活動展開 : 国内の大学における実践例
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This paper presents a practical report of Japanese language education for sustainability at a university in Japan. The project consists of 13 lessons, given to 5 international students. The syllabus was designed to cultivate the students’ abilities to think and integrate the four skills in Japanese, using a content-based approach. The project adopts 3 ideas obtained from previous researches: 1)using first language, 2)giving assignments, 3)conducting collaborative activities. Essays written by the students during the project show that the students seek a sustainable way of living by reaffirming their perspectives of employment and food supply. In reports submitted at the end of the project, students expressed that they had formed both an enterprising sprit and prudence in their future visions. This indicates a certain significance of the project in which the students have become able to verbalize and reacknowledge their ecological literacy.
- 2012-04-30
論文 | ランダム
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