老年世代の「私と子ども」関係イメージ : 過去、現在、未来のビジュアル・ナラティヴ
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This study had three purposes. First, it examined how elderly persons represent themselves and their relationships with their children. Second, it compared the patterns characterizing these relationships with those in the drawings of young adults taken from previous studies. Third, it identifi ed the narrative themes that structured visual life stories of the past, present, and future. Three kinds of drawings (of past, present, and future relationships) were collected from 70 participants (males: 36, females: 34; average age: 70.9 years), and the following nine fundamental patterns of relationship were observed: 1 wrapping, 2 supporting, 3 looking after, 4 siding, 5 facing, 6 separating, 7 leading, 8 giving, and 9 punishing. These fundamental patterns were common to the young adults' drawings depicting their relationships with their mothers. Four narrative structures and themes were identifi ed: cycle story (the future pattern resembling the past), reversal story( from caring for to being cared for), independent story (moving from dependence to independence), and consistent story (no changing among three fundamental patterns from past to future).
- 2012-04-27
論文 | ランダム
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