入宋僧の聖地巡礼と往生をめぐる諸問題 : 成尋と後続僧侶を中心に
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In the eleventh century, several Japanese monks made voyages to Northern Song China. Many related studies have pointed out that their common purpose was to complete pilgrimages to sacred places such as Mt. Tian-tai and Mt. Wu-tai rather than to study Buddhist doctrines. There is, however, one subject that remains to be explained. After they completed their pilgrimages to holy sites, some of them decided not to return to Japan and made up their minds to die a peaceful death in a foreign country. This is a significant characteristic of the era. Why did they cross the sea with the intention of spending the rest of their lives in China? This paper focuses on the above issue related to monk Jojin and his followers. First, the details of Jojin's duties that came along with his religious pilgrimage are examined. His notes on the journey in China reveal that his own religious training in sacred mountains to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land was sharply distinguished from his brief pilgrimage to Mt. Wu-tai to make a votive offering on behalf of members of the Imperial court in Japan. The lack of diplomatic ties between Japan and Beisong made it difficult for monks to return to their home country and there were many temple-based networking organizations in areas from Kyoto to Dazaifu. These organizations gave diverse support to the monks, even though some of them were stowaways.
- 2012-03-15
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