パレスチナ/イスラエル 一国家案の再考 : 国家像をめぐる議論の展開とシティズンシップ
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The purpose of this paper is to compare the visions of the future states for Palestine and Israel, to sum up the plans about each vision, and to evaluate the possibility of their achievement. Basically there are three types of plans for the states in this conflict, such as; one-state solution, two-state solution, and federation/confederation. Both Palestinian and Israeli sides have pivotal proponents, and the third party as well – among others Jordan – is involved as a part of the plans at times. The one-state solution has been considered as the idealistic plan which is far from reality especially from Zionists. However, since the backset of the peace process, there are serious reviews about the one-state solution. The proponents insist that the plan is practical rather than ideal, based on the current reality of occupation by Israel. The sovereignty among the multi-national population can be achieved through stratified citizenship which had already been in practice in Israel. At the initiative of the Palestinians in Israel – so- called Israeli Arabs – the speculation reflects the wide variety of plans and stipulates flexible ways of thinking about the future vision of the states for Palestine and Israel.
- 2012-03-20
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