外国人研修技能実習制度 : 在日タイ人研修生の現状と課題
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This paper aims to explore the situation of Thai migrants in Japan by studying Thai trainees and their internships in Foreign Trainees and Technical Internship Programs in Japan. The programs were established with a stated purpose to facilitate technological transfer from Japan to developing countries. In effect, the programs were found to operate against its original aim for international cooperation by accepting unskilled workers to do the so-called 3K job types (Kitanai, Kiken and Kitsui meaning dirty, dangerous and hard, respectively) in the *Japanese SMEs. The present study interviewed Thai trainees in Japan and some related informants about their experience in the programs. The findings reveal three categories of Thai trainees, namely trainees in Individual Enterprise-based Training programs, in Association-managed Training programs (sent by private agents) and in Association-managed Training programs (sent by government). It was found that trainees in each category are treated differently. It was also found that on the gender side, female trainees are at a disadvantaged position due to their ineligibility to apply to some of these programs.
- 2012-03-31
論文 | ランダム
- 世界のクラシックラグジュアリーホテル(2)オールド・バンクホテル(イギリス・オックスフォード)
- 世界のクラシックラグジュアリーホテル(新連載・1)スプレンディド・パレス ホテル(トルコ・イスタンブール)
- ホテル--外資系ラグジュアリーホテルの進出を控え自ホテル見直しの06年、競う07年へ (特集 トッププレイヤーが読む 2007年 レジャー&サービス トレンド大予測) -- (業種別にみるトレンド予測)
- グラビア Trend Scanner マンダリンオリエンタル 東京--日本橋地区活性化を担う日本初進出の世界的ラグジュアリーホテル
- グラビア Trend Scanner コンラッド東京--ヒルトンホテルグループの最高級ブランドが上陸 和の安らぎを兼ね備えたラグジュアリーホテル