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リハビリテーション実施中の脳血管障害患者65例に対して,注意検査とペーシング検査を行い両者の関連性を検討した。その結果対象を注意障害陽性でペーシング障害陽性(44.6%),注意障害陽性でペーシング障害陰性(30.8%),注意障害陰性でペーシング障害陰性(24.6%)の3群に分けることができ,注意障害陰性でペーシング障害陽性例はいなかった。またペーシング検査の図形のトレース検査と注意検査のCounting Backwards(CB),同じくペーシング検査の書字検査と注意検査のPaced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) に相関関係が認められた。CBとPASATは,注意の特性の中でも主に分配性と制御機能に関連性が深いとしていることからペーシング障害は注意障害を基礎とし,注意の分配性と制御機能に問題があることが示唆された。さらに頭部CTによる病巣の重ね合わせを行ったところ,ペーシング障害の責任病巣は,主に右前頭葉後半部から頭頂葉前半部にあると考えられた。In this study, we examined the association between attention tests and pacing tests in 65 patients with cerebrovascular diseases undergoing rehabilitation. We found that patients could be divided into 3 groups: The first group having both attention disorders and impediments in pacing (44.6%) , the second group having attention disorders but no impediments in pacing (30.8%) , and the third group having neither attention disorders nor impediments in pacing (24.6%). There were no patients having impediments in pacing but no attention disorders. Furthermore, there was a correlationbetween results of the shape tracing test (pacing test) and counting backwards (CB) test (attention test) , and betweenthe writing test (pacingt est) and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) (attentiont est) . Among attentioncharacteristics, CB and PASAT are highly associated with the divided attention and Supervisory Attention Control (SAC) . In conclusion, we find that impediments in pacing were based on attention disorders, suggested that there were problems with the divided attention and SAC. Furthermore, superimposition of culprit lesions by head computed tomography (CT) scan indicated that impediments in pacing may originate primarily between the posterior right frontallobe and anterior parietal lobe.
- 2010-03-31
論文 | ランダム
- 施設紹介解説 城南衛生管理組合クリーン21長谷山
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