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本稿では,石原(1990)の内容に新たな知見を加え,漢字圏からの留学生に照準を合わせた漢字語彙教育の可能性について論じる。彼らにとって日本語の漢字語彙を母語と対照させつつ学ぶことは,東アジア各国の地政学的な位置づけや交流の歴史の認識,近代化の意義などについて再考を促すきっかけになり,学習意欲を高める上で十分な意義が得られる。その一方で,彼らの母語における漢字語彙を有効に活用するためには,母語の干渉による誤用のパターンを認識するだけでなく,それぞれの言語における漢字語彙の分類を明確な自覚を持って再認識する必要がある。The aim of this paper is to argue the effectiveness of acquisition of Japanese KANJI compounds by native speakers of Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. It is obvious that those students have an advantage in learning KANJI compounds. However, their native language can still interfere with their capacity to learn those KANJI compounds. This paper suggests a framework of a KANJI class for such students. It insists that Japanese KANJI compounds should be divided into modem words and traditional words in order to make students conscious of the relations and history of East Asia. After that, students will know how to use their knowledge of KANJI compounds in their native language. It is very easy to find some typical errors of KANJI compounds in their compositions. This paper analyzes those errors from two points of view. The most typical error comes from the differences between the meanings of the KANJI compounds in Japanese and their native language. The other common source of mistakes comes from grammatical differences between the two languages, such as causative, passive and transitive forms.
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- 漢字圏の学生にとっての漢字語彙習得
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- 講読を通じての異文化理解(その二)
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