中国における持続可能性日本語作文教育の試み : 学習者が考えを文章にしていくプロセスを中心に
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This paper explores the potential of a JFL writing course in China based on the concept of Japanese language education for sustainability, which emphasizes the relationship between students and society and enables students to develop thinking skills while at the same time developing Japanese language competence in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The students in the writing course wrote essays after reading various materials related to their own lives and then discussing them with their peers. The first drafts were examined through peer response activities and then revised based on the feedback obtained during the activities. This study qualitatively analyzed the first and second drafts by one student to examine how he expressed and organized his thoughts through this writing course, which had a quite new teaching approach in China. The result showed that he wrote about matters that he chose from the reading material and discussions among peers provided for the pre-writing activity, and that he could associate with himself. Moreover, during the peer response activities for his first draft, the student did not merely accept what his peers said, but discussed repeatedly about the content and confirmed some information by checking on the Internet before he completed the second draft.
- 2012-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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