- 論文の詳細を見る
The business environment of rice farminghas deteriorated because of the continuousdecline in rice prices since the late 1990s.In regions where agricultural land is activelybought and sold,large-scale farmers have aheavier debt burden than small-scale farmers.Towards finding a way out of these circumstances,farmers have started“incorporatedcooperative farm management”.This paper aims at identifying theimprovements in farm management that arebrought by incorporated cooperative farmmanagement.First,the historical background of suchmanagement is analyzed. In areas wherelarge-scale rice farming predominates,smallerfarmers have pursued organizational restructuringtoward achieving incorporatedcooperative farm management. Being heavilyindebted,these farmers formed cooperativesfor shared use of farm machinery andjoint ownership of farmland. These efforts,however,failed to ameliorate their cash-flowproblems.Second,a survey shows that incorporatedcooperative farm management hasbrought about positive results, includingimprovement of investment conditions. Therationalization of production that is achievedby incorporated cooperative farm managementis characterized by several advantages:1)Operating efficiency is enhanced because the lot size of each paddy field is increasedand each different rice variety is grown collectivelyin adjoining paddy fields;2)Competitionbetween farm operations is avoided;3)Fertilizer application management is upgradedbecause responsibilities are divided amongfarmers for various crop varieties;and 4)Farming on a larger scale offsets the risks oftrial growing.Additionally,analysis was conducted toidentify attitudinal and local conditions thataffect the success of farm managementimprovement efforts.Third,analysis of management in termsof profitability and financial stability revealsthat incorporated cooperative farm managementhelps to increase the value added as aresult of modified use of paddy fields,rationalizationof production and upgrading offarm management. It is also indicates thatincorporated cooperative farm managementprovides each cooperative member with alevel of income that enables debts to be paidoff. Incorporated cooperative farm managementalso affords financial stability.In conclusion,incorporated cooperativefarm management is a form of farm managementby principal farmers in agriculturalregions where agricultural land is activelybought and sold and farmers face difficultiesin individually sustaining their farms.
- 2012-03-23
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