青果物流通変容下における 「内部規格」化の進展に関する研究
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The objective of this study is to examinethe introduction of“Internal Standards’”forcrops and its effects on distribution under thetransformation of fruit and vegetable distributionsystems. “Internal standard”refersto the measurement of sugar content andacidity in crops using an Optical Sensor. InJapan,the use of Optical Sensors in additionto standards for shape and weight has beenwidespread mainly for fruit from the beginningof the 1990’s to the middle of 2000’s.The aim of Optical Sensors for the farmer isto get a better price and to secure stablecustomers such as large-scale retailers underintensification of competition. This studyconsists of six chapters. In the first chapter,the problems and background of this studyare introduced. Chapter 1 describes thechanges in fruit and vegetable standardizationand provides the background to thesechanges from around 1950’s to 1990’s. Theincreasingly high level of grading using formerstandards led to an increase in labor andlower income for the farmer. Chapter 2describes the transformation of the fruit andvegetable distribution system under theincreasing power of large-scale retailers andprovides an explanation on why the standardscan’t be simplified. The problemsassociated with the introduction of“Internal standards”are also discussed by referring to former questionnaires. Chapter 3 describesthe case study of Nishiuwa Farmer’s Cooperativein Hinomaru District,a mandarinproducing area in Ehime Prefecture. Chapter4 describes the case study of KyowaFarmer’s Cooperative District, a melonproducing area in Hokkaido. In the lastchapter,conclusions of this study have beenexplained in detail.Major conclusions are as follows:(1)Introduction of an “Internal standard”enables a producing area to carry out thetransaction of products with large-scaleretailers.(2)Both case studies reveal that the introductionof “Internal standards” didn’tincrease farmers’incomes since the priceof the product didn’t increase,althoughthere was a rise in the cost of mechanicalsorting.These results suggest that some otherstandards such as ISO,organic certification,have been diffused rapidly in the agriculturalsector,but the introduction of these standardsas well as“Internal Standards”maynot bring economic benefits for the farmer.Simplification of standards is needed in theJapanese food sector.
- 2012-03-23
論文 | ランダム
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