価値観・労働観・ライフスタイル等に関する日本と北欧の比較調査研究 第1次報告
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One project marking the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Human Sciences was a comparative study of Japan and Sweden through three years of surveys from 2008 through 2010. Respondents were given a questionnaire with various questions on values and lifestyle plus five psychological scales: Normative Attitude toward Helping (Hakoi, Takagi [1987]), QOL(Quality of Life, WHO), Independent and Interdependent Self-Construal (Shortened version) (Takata [2000]), Self-esteem (Rosenberg [1965]), and Interpersonal Reliance (Horii, Tsuchiya [1995]). In both Sweden and Japan, 3 populations were surveyed: college students, teachers, and welfare personnel.These notes are an initial report describing the design and methods of the research, characteristics of survey respondents, and a summary of the survey's results.
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