Importance of allochthonousmaterial in benthicmacrofaunalcommunityfunctioning in estuarinesaltmarshes
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Allochthonous input provides important food and spatial resources for estuarinebenthic fauna. While it is known that autochthonous materials are important for fauna occupying small marshes, here, we present the significance of allochthonousmaterials for benthic fauna inhabiting a large saltmarsh. To assess the effects of allochthonous input on benthicmacrofaunalcommunities in estuarinesaltmarshes, we determined the source of substrate sediments and food resource utilisation patterns of benthic invertebrates in 2 temperate estuaries (the Tama River and the Obitsu River estuarine outlets into Tokyo Bay) by using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses. In the Tama River estuary, which has small patches of marsh vegetation upstream of the river mouth, there was an input of sedimentary organic matter from autochthonous sources (i.e. common reed and microphytobenthos). In the Obitsu River estuary saltmarsh, which is situated immediately upstream of the river mouth and is well connected to the sea, sediment consists of allochthonous sources (i.e. imported phytoplankton), along with microphytobenthos. Isotope analysis indicated that most benthic invertebrates in the Tama River estuary depend on benthic microalgae (autochthonous) as a food resource, whereas the macrofauna in the Obitsu River estuary are supported by drift macroalgae (allochthonous), in addition to microphytobenthos or phytoplankton. Our results indicated that allochthonousmaterial provides a food resource and potential habitat for benthic macrofauna in extensive saltmarshes that have a strong connection to the sea but is not substantial in smaller marshes with limited connectivity to coastal water.
論文 | ランダム
- 道路・鉄道盛土(3)(6.地盤と構造物,総括,第45回地盤工学研究発表会)
- 道路・鉄道盛土(2)(6.地盤と構造物,総括,第45回地盤工学研究発表会)
- 道路・鉄道盛土(1)(6.地盤と構造物,総括,第45回地盤工学研究発表会)
- 25) レイモンドチャンドラーにおける歯科に関連した記述について(日本歯科医史学会第34回(平成18年度)学術大会一般演題抄録)
- A317 死にまねは適応的だ!(動物行動学 行動生態学)