Discrimination among host tree species by the ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus
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The ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus is a vector for the fungus that causes Japanese oak wilt, and susceptibility to infestation by P. quercivorus varies by tree species. We postulated that P. quercivorus discriminates among host tree species differing in susceptibility to attack. To test this postulate, we counted the number of flying male beetles (NFM), the number of holes bored by male beetles (NH), and the number of flying female beetles (NFF) per unit area of bark surface in three fagaceous tree species: Quercus crispula (with high susceptibility to infestation) and Q. serrata and Castanea crenata (both with low susceptibility). NFM and NH were used to calculate the proportion of male beetles that bored holes out of those that flew to the tree (PBM). We used generalized additive models to predict NFM, NFF, and PBM. The locations of trees, expressed as x and y coordinates, numbers of weeks after the first male beetle’s flying (WEEK), diameters of trees 130 cm above ground (DBH), and tree species (SP) were incorporated into the models as candidate explanatory variables. The best-fit models for NFM and NFF included WEEK and DBH and the effect of location; SP was not included in the models. For PBM, the best-fit model included WEEK, DBH, and SP. The results indicate that male P. quercivorus prefer Q. crispula to Q. serrata and C. crenata and that selection is made before boring holes on trees, but that P. quercivorus do not discriminate among host species when they fly to trees.
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